Monday, February 24, 2014

I just read Naomi Epstien's - Visualizing Ideas:
HOTS exercise

I teach high school students and always think, "how will I make this interesting for them".  It's no fun to teach if it is boring for the students or me.
After reading Naomi Epstien's ideas - I feel refreshed.  I was even able to print out a worksheet that I believe the students will actually enjoy.  I have a feeling that they won't even realize til the end of the exercise that they were doing HOTS.
I placed the link above and highly recommend it to anyone who is going to be teaching HOTS.

C U Debbie
I just read a blog by Kairos Ed Tech - link
He wrote about his experience with connecting two different classes by skype.  It sounds like a great idea and I would love to try this out. Since I teach in small groups after school I put a lot of emphasis on speaking and if you are also a teacher of small groups - I think that Jr. high school would be a good place to start - and you are interested, please leave me a note on my blog.
One of the goals of the skype call on the blog that I read was for the kids to discover where the other group was calling from. 
I think as e-pals it would be a good idea.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hi, everybody,
I am just testing this to see how it works.
Have a great week.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hi, my name is Debbie Naim and I am a certified English teacher with a BA in Education and Linguistics from Ben Gurion University (1988). I have been teaching English in my home in small groups for the past 14 years.
I have started working part of the class with tablets and feel that I don't know enough, therefore, from this course I would like to gain knowledge of the internet and how to utilize it to help me teach more efficiently.